Soft Trade Mandi Software

Soft Trade Mandi Software

SoftTrade Mandi is an integrated business Inventory/Accounting/Management software that was launched in 1999. Today Soft Trade Mandi is an integrated Business Accounting Software covering the following modules:SoftTrade Mandi Software products offer ready-to-use, highly valuable solutions in the areas of:Accounting, Inventory, Accounts Receivable & Payable, Production, Budgeting, Taxes etc

Mandi Software Features

Mahajani Accounting

Bikri Detail

Mandi Software Features  
 Mahajani Accounting Bikri Detail
 Balance Sheet,P & L, Trading Account Dalal Account
 Trail Balance. Dalali Account.
 Cash & Bank Book (Double-side) Dalal Wise Outstanding.
 Sale,Purchase Nakal Book & Day Book Station Wise Outstanding.
 Bank Reconcilations Interest Calculation.
 Bank & Cash Book Purchase Account.
 Goods Accounts. Sales Account.

Calculations Methods.


Consignment Journal.


Sales Tax Forms.


Kachi-Pakki Adadh.


Mandi Tax Register

 Consignment In/Out & Adjustments.
 Stock Valuation based on Method 

Vikrya Parchi.

 Consignment Purchase (Purchase for Third Party)
Software Advance Features  


 Due Interest Show at Payment Receipt.

Excess /Shortage.


Double Side Cash Book.




Daily Stock Report.


Multiple Godown


Bikri With Expenses Detail.


Godown Transfer.


Lot Wise Profit Loss.


Cold Storage Stock.

 Item wise Trading Account/Gross Profit.

Lot Wise Stock.


Pending Bilti Report.


Direct Tax Paid Rate Entry

 Auto TDS Deduction System & Return Reports
 VAT 7,8,10,48,50 & CST-1 Forms etc. & e-Return file Generation.
Software Special Features

Dos Printing.


Nakal Printing In 80Col.


All Reports On Screen.


Label Printing.


Reports Exports In Excel.


Address List Printing.


Invoice Format Designable.